Saturday, December 14, 2019

Questions with No answers !!

In the middle of nowhere, I am lost in a deep crowded noise and loud voices. Where am I, what I am doing. Tremendous Whys with no single satisfactory answer. Who am I stands still the cruel question that breaks  my mind. The true I is not found at all. Sometimes I am that caring and kind generous person. Other time without any previous sign, I turn to be so rude, harsh and senseless. Why this is happening, why I am not stable. I feel myself so free, while certainly I am not. I am still prison in my fears, desires and dreams. Even now, while,I am writing I feel myself swinging between various selves that I really don’t know.

Now I do really don’t care about anything, while I do care about everything. Searching for myself searching for the truth. Am I really searching for the truth this is another question with no answer. I am just wondering when I’ll find a single answer for such  mess.
This is how I start my journey, I will go with each character with its different feelings, I will write down every single detail about it and then I may find my treasure!

Straight line is just that Invisible thing that I cannot touch, Meanwhile, I know it by my heart. I can feel it I can notice how my life positively changes when I am following it. However, wonders still kicking my mind, what if it was just an illusion?! What if all these straightness are just some inherited concepts?! Nothing more than a collective believes! It might be so. I am on a stage that I am sure of nothing.

How can I assure that all what I have is right or true?! What is the difference between being right and being true!? The answer is I don’t know yet.
I am watching an episode called the Ancient Aliens, It represents an enormous amount of questions related to our existence on the Earth as well as the knowledge and science we already access nowadays. Since the very first series, my mind has been knocked at the idea of science in itself and there is a possibility that all what we have now of all knowledge and sciences are just delivered from outsider aliens. They assume that they’ve found proofs and evidence of what they are saying. These kind of information may change my life upside down or may not I don’t know. I want just to widen my ears, heart and mind to understand such shocking thing.
I believe that the earth is full of secrets and magical things to discover. I guess it is my time to stand strongly like a mountain of shoulder such changes. In the process of  advanced improvement I am ready to claim.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019


عندما تشرق الشمس ٍسأكون
عندما تشرق الشمس سأكون أنا ذاك الشخص الذي تمنيت أن أكونه
عندما تشرق الشمس ستكون دموعي و اوجاعي قد هدأت
حين تشرق الشمس سيضئ وجهي و ستضيئ  ضحكتي مرة اخرى
حين تشرق الشمس سوف أسامح من أوجعني و من اغضبني و من مزق أحلامي
حين تشرق الشمس سوف ألملم شتات أمري  و اغفر لهم جميعا

و أرحل
Image result for ‫شروق الشمس‬‎

Monday, February 4, 2019

unforgettable people in India

When it meant to happen nobody can stop it. I believe that we design our destinies.Maybe we never know where to go exactly. But, Surely when we follow our hearts we always find ourselves in the right places among right people.The right places where you learn wisdom and patience and right people where you can taste the pure meaning of humanity with its all sides.
 .  There is a story behind each picture. There is a lot of good deeds to be remembered

Let me tell you reasons why  I loved  India
  It is  the place where I was fully fulfilled with myself
First step to discover my potentialities.
  . Where everything was not perfect yet was perfectly  perfect and suits the process of  blooming 

Since two years I was trying to find  some free time to write my own reflections over what I had passed by, all interesting things i had learned and all adventures I went through.  Anyways I am so grateful to my sickness flu that gives me  a chance to  go backward and collect  the dots.

In this picture I was invited to lunch gathering with Sid's Family. They were so warm and welcoming . I felt home as if we had met before in a past auras.  We spent happy moments together. They gave me very interesting gifts  ( Shirt called ....) and a scarf

The thing that touched my heart more, when they put an traditional  Indian  food in a plate arcobal the same i had in my hometown with its color and quality. This enhanced the feeling of security and warmth.
It may look very simple and naive, stands still was very important to me in that time.

I still remember this moment when I was completely depressed and I was suffering from an overthinking diagnoses 
 Shaliesh, Kerem and Stefeny they prepared a surprise trip for me . They promised each other never to tell me a word and never to answer any of my why's questions. It was really fantastic experience  with a life time true friends. <3

Outing with InTops team at Forbes Marshall.

Mumbai Trip,
 Kshtij, Ruby
, Aunte, Abhy

And Fulfillment

Let me tell you more about Kshtij

She is a super Girl. She fulls of energy and entrepreneurial motivated ideas. She  has her own CSR start up. She has a nice sweet smile. She so down to earth and open to life. She is wise, helpful and supportive. Simply she is living Her Being <3
Ruby and Abhy are the closet friends to Kshtij and I believe they are one of the main reasons of her fruitful achievements and sparks. They are very unique and cheerful                                                                                             

  OH to aunte <<< Kshitij 's Mom,
Her Heart contains all of mothers' love in the world. She has lots of acceptance, understanding and normal mother' hopes.
She has a funny sense of humor,  She has afforded me with all love and wise advice. as well as very prestigious Sary.

Of course I still have a lot to say . but this is the first scratch in my memory
Great Things are yet to come.

دايره ....الحلم حقيقة

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